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Software Publisher Policy

Software Publisher Policy


Software-based publishers are those publishers that utilize browser-based technology or applications to redirect consumers to advertiser web sites (“Software Publisher”).


Tao Travel 365 Network Quality has a policy for Software Publishers to promote complete transparency to TAO TRAVEL 365 and its clients, and to ensure that publishers are clear on what is permissible within the Tao Travel 365 network. The "Spirit of the Law" and "Rules" sections below provides a better understanding.

Tao Travel 365 allows Software Publishers into the TAO TRAVEL 365 Network provided they perform in accordance with the terms of the Publisher Service Agreement. 


Spirit of the Policy


At Tao Travel 365, our goal is to provide transparency and choice to all of our clients. We strive to be as open and transparent as possible with regards to software operation, distribution, performance in specific traffic situations, and impacts on advertisers’ businesses and consumers’ behaviors. This transparency allows advertisers and publishers to make good choices for mutually beneficial affiliations, ultimately creating better experiences for consumers.



Consumers have the right to understand and acknowledge any Tao Travel 365 publisher software installed onto their device or browser. Further, the benefits to the consumer of any such installation must be obvious to the consumer, to Tao Travel 365, and to the advertiser.



Advertisers must have knowledge of any software's function and intent prior to distribution or delivery of traffic. The advertiser has the right to expect that their brand will be appropriately displayed and protected at all times.



Publishers must endeavor to provide transparency, drive traffic, and earn commissions within the rules of their advertisers' program terms, and within reasonable consumer expectations. They will act responsibly and responsively in all situations.


Tao Travel 365

Tao Travel 365 is responsible for reviewing and approving all software active in the network. It provides the platform for transparency and choice by which all relationships are governed.


December 12, 2018


Rules for Software Publishers in the Tao Travel 365 Network


The following rules clarify the requirements for Publishers to operate in the Tao Travel 365 Network. Software-based activity includes, but is not limited to, mobile applications, browser plugins, toolbars and toolbar plugins. As referenced in the TAO TRAVEL 365 Publisher Service Agreement, any unapproved activity is subject to account deactivation and reversal of commissions.


1. All software publisher tools and any versions of those tools intended for distribution for Tao Travel 365 advertisers, must be tested and approved by Tao Travel 365 prior to distribution. It is the responsibility of the Software Publisher to have any changes or modifications re-tested and approved by TAO TRAVEL 365.


2. Software Publishers must provide complete transparency to Tao Travel 365 and its advertisers regarding distribution, including, but not limited to, unique PIDs and clear and accurate Network Profiles.


3. Software Publishers must provide full transparency to Tao Travel 365 and its advertisers regarding redirect functionality.


4. Software Publishers must provide a web page for Tao Travel 365 to access all current and prior versions of software that was approved or is still pending approval by TAO TRAVEL 365.


5. Prior to installation on end users' devices from any download location, software publishers must receive opt-in acceptance by end users of an end user license agreement (EULA) that clearly and accurately describes the behavior and conduct of the software, including, but not limited to, an explicit description of what activities will trigger the placement of affiliates’ cookies.


6. Software uninstallation must always be available, easy, and complete from the Add/Remove functionality of consumers' browsers and operating systems.


7. Software Publishers must recognize and respect publisher-driven traffic immediately prior to the software dropping a cookie. Specifically, all software must recognize TAO TRAVEL 365 domains and afsrc=1 codes in affiliate links. When a TAO TRAVEL 365 domain or the afsrc=1 code is detected, the software may not operate or redirect the consumer to the advertiser site using the Software Publisher's PID.


8. Software Publishers may not auto-redirect on paid search clicks.


9. Auto-redirection from third party toolbars is not allowed. Any applications or plugins distributed through third party toolbars require a second affirmative click by the consumer before a publisher cookie may be dropped.


10. All Software Publishers that utilize an auto-redirect must also immediately make available the option to move to second-affirmative click, if requested by the advertiser.


Date: May 01, 2019

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